Dirty Bristow issue Two launch – 13th August 2011

Dirty Bristow, an independent magazine from local bloggers/twitterers/social media/internet fellows Jon Bounds and Danny Smith, is holding a launch party for their second issue on Saturday 13th August from 8pm at The Edge in Digbeth:

Dirtys Bristow issue Two launch

Just like Issue 1 I provided an illustration for one of the articles, a preview of which you can see below, or you can catch a glimpse in this flip-through:


Get your ticket for the event now and/or get your own copy of the magazine to see some awesome work!

Vacuum Packed Children

The first issue of Dirty Bristow is out now and features a part-glitch illustration by me.

Vacuum Packed Children

For the theme of this issue, Birth, I was asked to illustrate an article by up-and-coming funny man Harry Vale that goes on to detail his experience of doing stand-up comedy for the first time:

It’s a torrid tale about losing my virginity, punctuated by the revelation that it was brutally robbed from me by my own father. There are gasps, groans, and then finally laughs. Worry not, dear reader, my anal virginity is still intact (and available for a modest fee); it was just the truly awful and hackneyed opening joke of my first ever stand-up comedy gig.

You wouldn’t guess it from the extremely high quality of the magazine, but it’s all self-financed and published by apparent geniuses Jon Bounds and Danny Smith who have, to my knowledge, never ventured into publishing territory. It very much fits in with the zine ethos, especially as they make a point to give each contributor as much freedom as possible and steer clear of advertisements.

Go grab a copy now!

They’re also looking for contributors for the next issue, so support your local publishing scene and get in touch.