Dirty New Media

Dirty New Media took place on Thursday 21st March at The Barber Institute of Fine Arts. It was one of the most adventurous exhibitions that I’ve curated!

Thanks go out to:

Here’s a list of all of the works/pieces/artists included in the programme, should you want to check out more:


Benjamin Gaulon [aka Recyclism]- KindleGlitched
Jeff Donaldson – 16bit Edition Glitch Scarf – source: Atari ST emulator read error
Dec Ackroyd – Cityscape #46
Jason Soliday – Harbinger Variations
Charlotte Frost and Rob Myers – #arthistory
Kate Pemberton – Tacert
Jamie Boulton – C:\Users\5629a7\Pictures\IDDisplay.jpg
Stef Lewandowski – Data Necklace

Super Special Essay

Shawne Holloway + Steven Hammer – 1_approach.dnm: (inter)active viewership in dirty new media. The whole text can be read in the Dirty New Media programme


Jon Cates – WTF?! is D1RTY N3W M3DI∆?!
(For those that didn’t get one, Jon’s PDF, 1337 ¥³4Γ$ øƒ D1RTY N3W M3DI∆: 2005 – 2012 CH1C∆Gø, can be downloaded from GL1TCH.US)
Dan O’Hara – An Irregular and Spasmodic History of Glitches and other Systemic Stutterings


(in order)
Modulate- O>L>S
Nick Kegeyan – i went home this winter (or my friends, lights, a game, and the last time i saw my childhood home)
Antonio Roberts – I Am Sitting in a Room
Carrie Gates – A portrait of a portrait of a portrait of nn
Bryan Peterson – [Dirty] inputs/processes.outputs
Theodore Darst – Approach
Jennifer Chan – [[[ I’ll Show You HD ]]]
Kevin Carey – OTC/DXM [256_l4y3rz_0v_sYrVp_r3m1xxx]
Sian Macfarlane – /ˈzi(ə)rˌäks/ (xerox)
Michael Lightborne – What Did The Duck Say To The Pig?

A/V Performances

Norah Lorway
Circuit Ben

There’ll be videos appearing soon, but in the meantime check out the photos from Pete Ashton:

DNM Exhibition 10

DNM Circuit Ben performance 01

DNM Jon Cates Lecture 02

Till next time…

Dirty New Media preview: 1_approach.dnm: (inter)active viewership in dirty new media

Dirty New Media will be making its way to The Barber Institute of Fine Arts on 21st March as part of the University of Birmingham’s Arts and Science Festival.

Super Special Essay

Shawne Holloway + Steven Hammer – 1_approach.dnm: (inter)active viewership in dirty new media

The invisibility of various technologies, interfaces, and wares, via their often seductive and seamless interfaces, fosters a kind of cultural ocularcentrism[1] vis-a-vis capitalist consumerism. Dirty New Media (DNM) seeks to disengage our perception of screen-based activity from the two-dimensional, and critique material production of objects and systems that produce, curate, and guide reception of various texts.


In this way, DNM is both responsive and anticipatory to the proliferation of a culture uncritically enamoured with digital/web/device-being. By absorbing a wide array of amateur and artisan generated media artifacts, the (anti)genre “once anticipated and now brings us”[2] a form of technophenomenology, a cyber-ouroboros, allowing fluidity between our consciousness and digital media. This recursivity begins to weave a distinctly humanistic[3] perspective alongside the non-human data streaming from network to network, window to window.

[[[Read the whole essay in the Dirty New Media programme, available on the day]]]


Dirty New Media // REVOLUTION 02


An engaging day of performances and interactive installations from digital artists, hacktivists and new media explorers from the West Midlands, Chicago and beyond. Artworks take the form of hacked and customised hardware, accessories, demos, lectures, data-mangling, projection and more!

This eclectic, expectation bending event is presented by Vivid Projects in association with artist/curator Antonio Roberts and The Barber institute of Fine Arts.

Free admission, no booking required. Dirty New Media. For further information and times, please contact 0121 414 2261 or email education@barber.org.uk. Facebook event link.


Dirty New Media preview: A/V Performances

Dirty New Media will be making its way to The Barber Institute of Fine Arts on 21st March as part of the University of Birmingham’s Arts and Science Festival. Over the week I’ll be providing an overview of the upcoming event.

AV Performances | 7-10pm


Circuit Ben

Norah Lorway


Dirty New Media // REVOLUTION 02


An engaging day of performances and interactive installations from digital artists, hacktivists and new media explorers from the West Midlands, Chicago and beyond. Artworks take the form of hacked and customised hardware, accessories, demos, lectures, data-mangling, projection and more!

This eclectic, expectation bending event is presented by Vivid Projects in association with artist/curator Antonio Roberts and The Barber institute of Fine Arts.

Free admission, no booking required. Dirty New Media. For further information and times, please contact 0121 414 2261 or email education@barber.org.uk. Facebook event link.


Dirty New Media preview: Screenings part 3

Dirty New Media will be making its way to The Barber Institute of Fine Arts on 21st March as part of the University of Birmingham’s Arts and Science Festival. Over the week I’ll be providing an overview of the upcoming event.

Screenings | 6-7pm

Michael Lightborne – What Did The Duck Say To The Pig?

michaellightborne_videoA stupid joke, told badly.

Bryan Peterson – [Dirty] inputs/processes.outputs

bryanpeterson_videoAppropriated Phil Morton video, twisted and built through analog video mixers

Sian Macfarlane – /ˈzi(ə)rˌäks/ (xerox)

sian_videoA copy of a copy; partially reconfiguring x-traterrestrial digital glitch.

Jennifer Chan – [[[ I’ll Show You HD ]]]

jenniferchan_videoNew Media A-Z


Dirty New Media // REVOLUTION 02


An engaging day of performances and interactive installations from digital artists, hacktivists and new media explorers from the West Midlands, Chicago and beyond. Artworks take the form of hacked and customised hardware, accessories, demos, lectures, data-mangling, projection and more!

This eclectic, expectation bending event is presented by Vivid Projects in association with artist/curator Antonio Roberts and The Barber institute of Fine Arts.

Free admission, no booking required. Dirty New Media. For further information and times, please contact 0121 414 2261 or email education@barber.org.uk. Facebook event link.


Dirty New Media preview: Screenings part 2

Dirty New Media will be making its way to The Barber Institute of Fine Arts on 21st March as part of the University of Birmingham’s Arts and Science Festival. Over the week I’ll be providing an overview of the upcoming event.

Screenings | 6-7pm

Modulate – O>L>S

modulate_videoDescription: A short audio visual journey exploring abstract narrative, movement, shape, colour, non verbal expression and spatial awareness. Sounds sourced from “The Octophonic Loop System”8.1 sound installation by Bobby Bird /Modulate, commissioned by Francisco Lopez.

Carrie Gates – A portrait of a portrait of a portrait of nn

carriegates_videoThe images for this work were created in 2003 for a project where Carrie used a piece of OS9 software art by Adrian Ward called “A portrait of Netochka Nezvanova” to create a generative video collage of a collection of over 10 000 .psd files Carrie had prepared on the topic of “cyberculture”. This video is the remix, prepared in Feb. 2013 for an online exhibition by Ellectra Radikal and Systaime Alias Michael Borras at http://cupcake.spamm.fr/.

Kevin Carey – OTC/DXM [256_l4y3rz_0v_sYrVp_r3m1xxx]

kevincarey_videoIn response to an increase in works inspired by DJ Screw’s chopped & screwed sound and the surrounding culture, this piece looks to subvert the smoothness and fluidity of the recent aesthetic focus within the underground rap community. What results is a frustrated trip – a dirty, murky exploration of over the counter and beyond.


Dirty New Media // REVOLUTION 02


An engaging day of performances and interactive installations from digital artists, hacktivists and new media explorers from the West Midlands, Chicago and beyond. Artworks take the form of hacked and customised hardware, accessories, demos, lectures, data-mangling, projection and more!

This eclectic, expectation bending event is presented by Vivid Projects in association with artist/curator Antonio Roberts and The Barber institute of Fine Arts.

Free admission, no booking required. Dirty New Media. For further information and times, please contact 0121 414 2261 or email education@barber.org.uk. Facebook event link.


Dirty New Media preview: Screenings part 1

Dirty New Media will be making its way to The Barber Institute of Fine Arts on 21st March as part of the University of Birmingham’s Arts and Science Festival. Over the week I’ll be providing an overview of the upcoming event.

Screenings | 6-7pm

Theodore Darst – Approach

theodoredarst_videoFollowing a group shows’ theme of “home in the digital age”, Approach utilizes 3D modeling software to create a private digital sculpture garden textured, in part, with personal screenshots.

Antonio Roberts – I Am Sitting in a Room

antonioroberts_videoIn this piece I have used a script that explores the font file and damages it by randomising the values that construct each glyph. The computer, doing only what it has been instructed to do, continually attacks the font files’ data to the point where it is sometimes corrupted and not even it can interpret it correctly.

The resulting video shows the gradual damaging of the data. The viewer will struggle to find meaning amongst the visual noise whilst the computer still understands it.

Nick Kegeyan – i went home this winter (or my friends, lights, a game, and the last time i saw my childhood home)

nickkegeyan_videoi went home this winter (or my friends, lights, a game, and the last time i saw my childhood home)


Dirty New Media // REVOLUTION 02


An engaging day of performances and interactive installations from digital artists, hacktivists and new media explorers from the West Midlands, Chicago and beyond. Artworks take the form of hacked and customised hardware, accessories, demos, lectures, data-mangling, projection and more!

This eclectic, expectation bending event is presented by Vivid Projects in association with artist/curator Antonio Roberts and The Barber institute of Fine Arts.

Free admission, no booking required. Dirty New Media. For further information and times, please contact 0121 414 2261 or email education@barber.org.uk. Facebook event link.


Dirty New Media preview: Lectures

Dirty New Media will be making its way to The Barber Institute of Fine Arts on 21st March as part of the University of Birmingham’s Arts and Science Festival. Over the week I’ll be providing an overview of the upcoming event.

Lectures | 4-6pm

Jon Cates – WTF?! is D1RTY N3W M3DI∆?!


Dan O’Hara – An Irregular and Spasmodic History of Glitches and other Systemic Stutterings

danoharaGlitches interrupt the smooth realism of our mediated experience of the everyday world, from malfunctioning train announcement boards to distorted video streams and white noise in our phone calls. But is it only machines that glitch, or does ‘glitching’ exist in nature too?

We’ll look at the way Glitch art occupies a peculiar space inbetween the crafted and the unintentional, opening up a new view of ‘natural’ anomalies, as well as an aesthetic of the artificial. We’ll also take an historical tour of artists working with broken systems, artefacts, and technologies from across the world – from dirty new media in Europe and Asia to Gambiarra traditions in the Americas – to ask, what (if anything) does malfunction mean when we copy or reproduce it?


Dirty New Media // REVOLUTION 02


An engaging day of performances and interactive installations from digital artists, hacktivists and new media explorers from the West Midlands, Chicago and beyond. Artworks take the form of hacked and customised hardware, accessories, demos, lectures, data-mangling, projection and more!

This eclectic, expectation bending event is presented by Vivid Projects in association with artist/curator Antonio Roberts and The Barber institute of Fine Arts.

Free admission, no booking required. Dirty New Media. For further information and times, please contact 0121 414 2261 or email education@barber.org.uk. Facebook event link.


Dirty New Media preview: Optical Theremin Workshop

Dirty New Media will be making its way to The Barber Institute of Fine Arts on 21st March as part of the University of Birmingham’s Arts and Science Festival. Over the week I’ll be providing an overview of the upcoming event.

Workshop | 12-2pm

Optical Theremin workshop with Circuit Ben

An optical theremin is a motion-operated instrument, based on an LM386 op-amp chip, we’ll be building them from scratch, learning the basic principles behind audio manipulation using voltage, and making some unholy racket! No soldering experience necessary.

This is what you’ll be building on the day:

The workshop is limited to 10 places, so sign up early! The cost includes parts and tuition.



Dirty New Media // REVOLUTION 02


An engaging day of performances and interactive installations from digital artists, hacktivists and new media explorers from the West Midlands, Chicago and beyond. Artworks take the form of hacked and customised hardware, accessories, demos, lectures, data-mangling, projection and more!

This eclectic, expectation bending event is presented by Vivid Projects in association with artist/curator Antonio Roberts and The Barber institute of Fine Arts.

Free admission, no booking required. Dirty New Media. For further information and times, please contact 0121 414 2261 or email education@barber.org.uk. Facebook event link.


Dirty New Media preview: Exhibition part 3

Dirty New Media will be making its way to The Barber Institute of Fine Arts on 21st March as part of the University of Birmingham’s Arts and Science Festival. Over the week I’ll be providing an overview of the upcoming event.

Exhibition | 4-10pm

Jamie Boulton – C:\Users\5629a7\Pictures\IDDisplay.jpg

jamieboulton_database> Applying reality safeguards…
> Discarding morality values…
> Deactivating motivation protocol…
> Accessing Internet Database…
> Initialising…
> Ready.



  • clarissa made children believe we knew it all as well. now we’re adults and we’re clueless. thanks clarissa.
  • yin-yangtube. we’re all timewasters and it feels great.
  • cat stuck on a magical carpet, riding over the fuzzy memories of on-screen memories.

Stef Lewandowski – Data Necklace

steflewandowski_datanecklaceData. It’s all around us. Much of what we do on a daily basis leaves digital records of our activity behind us.

It turns out that there are tiny, hidden stories in the data that we create just by being ourselves, and we can turn those stories into beautiful things.

The Data Necklace is a wearable visualisation of a person’s Twitter feed over time, that can serve as a permanent reminder of how often they use a particular word.


Dirty New Media // REVOLUTION 02


An engaging day of performances and interactive installations from digital artists, hacktivists and new media explorers from the West Midlands, Chicago and beyond. Artworks take the form of hacked and customised hardware, accessories, demos, lectures, data-mangling, projection and more!

This eclectic, expectation bending event is presented by Vivid Projects in association with artist/curator Antonio Roberts and The Barber institute of Fine Arts.

Free admission, no booking required. Dirty New Media. For further information and times, please contact 0121 414 2261 or email education@barber.org.uk. Facebook event link.
