µChip 3 happened at Vivid Projects from 19th March and it was a great success! I was really happy to see so many people travel from across the country to see a bunch of really great artists and musicians!

Photos from the event are available from Pete Ashotn‘s an Ultrasyd‘s Flickr stream and on the µCollective Facebook page. If you’ve got any get adding and tagging them! Videos will appear shortly Videos below!
The commissioned artworks will go are on sale as well, so if you fancy purchasing an A0 sized print head over to http://store.ucollective.org/
My thanks go out to Sam Wray for being great a great co-curator, Vivid Projects for hosting, Imperica for doing two great interviews – one with myself and Sam Wray and the other with gwEm and bitrituals, and Arts Council England for supporting the event. And, of course, the artists who brought the awesomeness: Sabrepulse, gwEm, Mizkai, Ultrasyd, Shirobon, Infotoxin, 2xAA, lxtxcx, Chema 64, Emily Mulenga and 8Bit Lounge.
μChip 4 has already been announced, so if you’re in London check it out!