May 2008

  • Birmingham – Work in progress #4

    These are the last two screenshots I’ll show as it’s nearly finished. I don’t wanna ruin the final piece 😉 The other three are looking great as well. A few more minor adjustments to each and then off to print! Don’t forget to come along, join the facebook group or whatever!

  • Birmingham – Work in progress #3

    I’ve really gotta make a move on with this work.Tomorrow I will have it all done!

  • B-VAC display preparations

    B-VAC display preparations, originally uploaded by hellocatfood. All of the work’s almost done…

  • Birmingham – Work in progress #2

    With the Insectoid performance over I thought it a good time to get on with the work for the upcoming B-VAC exhibition. It should all hopefully be done by next week. Here’s two progress shots in the meantime Expect the usual infusion of colour!

  • Exhibition # 1 – B-VAC

    So yeah, the first exhibition of B-VAC (Birmingham Visual Arts Coalition) is taking place soon. See flyer below. I’ve set up a Twitter account for B-VAC but not quite sure where to go with it yet. Lets call it an experiment!

  • Shoreditch Town Hall – Performance space

    Shoreditch Town Hall, originally uploaded by hellocatfood. The Insectoid performance went great! At times is was a stressful day but it came together in the end! This is the space we performed in alongside Tai Shani, who were with the band Guapo. There’ll be audio and visuals from the event once it’s all processed!

  • Insectoid performance reminder

    Empire and Daughter Isotope + Insectoid A one off performance by Tai Shani featuring epic prog band Guapo and electroclash diva Angie Reed. Cannibalizing pulp film and fiction through black magic cult rituals, a mini mouse anti-sacrifice of twelve virgins is crowned by five tableaux of notorious Satanist Anton Lavey posing in nudist magazine…

  • Damn Small Linux

    Late last year, after having numerous troubles with my computer (which resulted in me losing lots of my work) I decided to try out Ubuntu Linux distro. I had a few old computers in the house, but Ubuntu wouldn’t install on any of them! I was royally annoyed! After going to Brumcon 07.5 today…

  • New artwork

    Birmingham Visual Arts Coalition has an exhibition coming up, and I’m making some new artwork for it. As a little experiment I’ll be showing you the progress shots from one of the pieces. Any comments or suggestions are welcome! Achieved today in Illustrator. You can also look at the Sketchbook page for more of…