March 2010

  • It’s Just Noise!

    As readers of my blog will know by now you can easily import any data into audacity and play it as audio. However, most data that you’ll import and then play will just turn out as noise. That is simply because there’s too much noise in the image i.e. too many colours and too…

  • GPS Sounds

    Inspired by a lot of noise and randomness that I’ve listening to recently I converted Nikki‘s GPS Traces from her Uncertain Eastside project into sweet sweet noise!

  • Lost in the Shell

    As a result of the GNOME Usability Hackfest I’ve been trying out the GNOME Shell a lot. Although the result of an error with graphics cards I quite like the output of the integrated Screencast feature (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + R) with the cursor almost seeming lost

  • Film Dash 2010

    Thanks to Team Make It So‘s winning Film Dash entry I can now add “Star in Award Winning Films” to my list of achievements. You can watch my awe-inspiring debut from 1:10 😉 For those who don’t know Film Dash is an event where teams have 48 hours to film and edit a movie…

  • Preserving the glitch

    On Thursday 4th March I took part in the AntsArtJam at BitJam in Stoke-on-Trent. Three canvases were set up on the stage and artists were invited to get creative on them as the night went on. Those who know me will know that live art is not something that I’ve really done before. I’ve…

  • fizzPOP’s first birthday

    Recently fizzPOP celebrated the two of its first birthday’s. On January 26th the mailing list was set up and on February 28th we had our first meeting. We count each one as our birthday, which, in theory, means more cake! I’m really quite proud of what myself and Nikki have achieved so far with…

  • dev8d 2010

    From February 2th6 to 27th I was in London for dev8d. It describes itself as: Dev8D is 4 days of 100% pure software developer heaven. It will be intense. It will be exhilarating. It will make you a better programmer. • Learn to use unfamiliar languages (such as Python, Ruby and Clojure) • Team…