March 2020

  • Motion Interpolation for Glitch Aesthetics using FFmpeg part 0

    As you may have seen in this blog post I made use of FFmpeg’s minterpolate motion interpolation options to make all of the faces morph. There’s quite a few options for minterpolate and many different combinations of options that can be used. i had to consult Wikipedia to figure out exactly what the different…

  • (mis)Using FFmpeg’s Motion Interpolation Options

    Towards the end of the Let’s Never Meet video the robotic faces slowly morph into something a little bit more human-like. These faces continue to morph between lots of different faces, suggesting that when getting to know people you can never really settle on who they are. To make the faces morph I used…

  • Producing audio for Let’s Never Meet

    For the majority of my career in art I’ve been primarily known for my visual artwork. I’ve dabbled in making noises with my Sonification Studies performances (which may make a comeback at some point) but it’s only since my 2018 performance at that I’ve regularly made and performed music. On the performance side…