Gifhouseparty – 16th May 2020

On 16th May 22:00 BST I’ll be doing a gif-enfused audiovisual performance for the Well Now WTF? exhibition.

In the 30 minute performance I’ll be live coding music and sounds for all of the gifs currently stuck at home! If you want to be at the party send me a gif of yourself dancing against a green screen or solid colour by 12th May and tune in to the performance over on Twitch 🙂

Improviz gifs

Earlier this year fellow visualist and live coder Rumblesan commissioned me to make some gifs for his new live coding software, Improviz. In July he unleashed it into the world!

Looking at the above videos you could easily be forgiven for thinking that it looks a bit like LiveCodeLab. He is, after all, one of the developers of LiveCodeLab. However, Improviz differs in a few ways. As Rumblesan himself explains in the Toplap chat:

the language in Improviz has a lot in common with live code lab, and the basic functionality for shapes, styles, transformations and loops is all pretty much the same. but in terms of implementation and usage they’re very different

lcl is using three.js as an intermediary, whilst improviz is entirely haskell and uses opengl directly (which I think long term is going to cause me grief but we’ll see haha)

the major difference is that improviz lets you use images and gifs as textures, which is something I’d like to back port to lcl, but wouldn’t be a small task unfortunately

That’s right, you can load textures! As mentioned before Rumblesan commissioned me to make a set of gifs to go along with the initial public release. They’re all released under a Creative Commons Attribution licence so you’re free to use them as you wish as long as you attribute me.

As an added bonus I’m also releasing the .blend file that was used to make each one.

Click here to download the Blender files.

These were made using a beta version of Blender 2.80. I’ve tested them in the stable release and they appear to work fine but they definitely will not work in 2.79 or earlier versions. I’m providing these for you to explore and won’t be doing a writeup/tutorial on how they work. If you remix them please share what you make 🙂

Definitely give Improviz a try! Thanks to Rumblesan for commissioning me to make the gifs 🙂

Closing Reception // Re-Screening: 5 years of TRANSFER

TRANSFER is pleased to present a closing reception screening event inside Lorna Mill’s ‘The Great Code’ to coincide with the gallery’s 5-Year Anniversary.

In 2013, Lorna Mills curated ‘Clusterfuck Zoo’, instigating a series of closing events curated by TRANSFER artists in response to their solo shows – all eight of the spontaneous series will be screened at the same time: Clusterfuck Zoo from Lorna Mills, Anatomize from Rollin Leonard, Net.\/\/orth from Daniel Temkin, Refraction from Giselle Zatonyl, GIFs to Have Sex By from Faith Holland, Le Petit Mort du Blingee from Lorna Mills, NarGIFsus from Carla Gannis, and Rule 35 from Faith Holland.

These eight series, including more than 100 animated GIFs, will be installed inside of ‘The Great Code’ on the closing evening of the gallery’s third solo exhibition from Lorna Mills.

The screening will be accompanied by ARPA-Cake by Sam Warga. It is inspired by the first modem of the internet, the Interface Message Processor. Consisting of funfetti mix, fondant, and hours of research, the artist’s cake experience will be shared with all attending.

‘The Great Code’ is an exhibition of animated gifs and prints suggesting the order of knowledge has been collapsed and compressed. The culminating work has evolved in Mills’ studio over the past 15 years.

The Great Code ::: Lorna Mills


Artists: Morehshin Allahyari, Alma Alloro, Anthony Antonellis, Andrew Benson, Gaby Cepeda, Oliver David, Mark Dorf, Adam Ferriss, Dafna Ganani, Carla Gannis, Carrie Gates, Erin Gee, Emilie Gervais, Jeremy Haik, Claudia Hart, Tycho Horan, Georges Jacotey, Daniel Johnson, Nicole Killian, Michelle Leftheris, Rollin Leonard, Rea McNamara, Michael Mallis, Rosa Menkman, A Bill Miller, Lorna Mills, Adriana Minoliti, Paula Nacif, Eva Papamargariti, Christian Petersen, Antonio Roberts, Sam Rolfes, Rafia Santana, Talia Shulze, Yoshi Sodeoka, Miyö Van Stenis, Tristan Stevens, Katie Torn, V5MT, Angela Washko, Giselle Zatonyl

Participating Artists: Ann Hirsch, Alfredo Salazar-Caro, Angela Washko, Anna Frants, Anthony Antonellis, Antonio Roberts, Christian Petersen, Claudia Hart, Clyde Cabanban, Domenico Barra, Elena Garnelo, Emilie Gervais, Erica Lapdat Janzen, Erik Zepka, Eva Papamargariti, Faith Holland, Gretta Louw, Gudio Segni, Helena Acosta, Jennifer Chan, Jacky Connolly, Jonny Star, Kate Durbin, Katie Torn, Kim Asendorf, Everett Kane, LaTurbo Avedon, Laurence Gartel, Leah Schrager, Lisa Levy, Lorna Mills, LoVid Hinkis-Lapidus, Man Bartlett, Mark Dorf, Michael Mallis , Nicholas O’Brien, Ole Fach, Patrick Lichty, Paul Hertz, Rafia Santana, Ray Tee, Rollin Leonard, Savannah Spirit, Shayna Brewer, Stefano W. Pasquini, Sung-Ah Jun, Susan Silas, Yuliya Lanina, Federico Solmi, Shamus Clisset, Vince Mckelvie, Will Pappenheimer, Nico Princen, Mathieu St-Pierre, Gaby Cepeda

Copyright Atrophy

I’m happy to finally announce the start of the much-delayed Copyright Atrophy project.


Copyright Atrophy is a project that explores how much an artwork must be changed, remixed, mutated, or altered before it loses all of its associated meaning, context and, more importantly, copyright/trademark status. Check the site regularly to see the newest logo to be destroyed.

I talked a little bit about the project at the Glitch Moment/ums launch in June 2013.