Something I did on the train to Leicester. A bunny drawn in Inkscape. A very happy one at that, despite being blue.
Some new work. Inspired by a friend who got a nose bleed on Saturday. Inkscape getting that little bit easier to use. Would be great if it didn’t slow down a lot!
For this week’s Illustration Friday topic I wanted to highlight that cliques are a group of similar people but that they’re also unique. I also wanted to improve my skills in Inkscape. I’m getting a lot better at using blending modes on layers instead of objects and the Spiro function works really well!
I thought I’d take a break from getting to grips with Inkscape to try my hand at this weeks IllustrationFriday topic, Island. For this I just wanted to create a simple representation of the word. At the moment I’m not quite getting the same depth as I would with my older work, but that’ll…
As mentioned in an earlier post I’ve decided to exclusively use open source software for my work. I’ve recently been messing around with Inkscape to see if it can offer similar or better ways of working. So far I’ve found Inkscape to be quite powerful but missing some functions that I use regularly: I…
I’m going to be moving into exclusively using open source software to create artwork in the near future*. More on why once I get my head around some of the software. *that is unless it’s completely necessary that I use a piece of commercial software e.g. GMIP doesn’t support CMYK, yet Photoshop does.