Select objects of similar size in Inkscape

For the AlgoMech 2019 festival in June I created a new performative drawing piece, A Perfect Circle. The piece is about how we interface with computers that analyse our activities. It consists of a video and accompanying plotter drawings.

Making A Perfect Circle presented me with a few challenges. The make the video element I hacked together a couple of Processing scripts that did basic motion tracking by following a user-specified colour. It would draw these lines, creating new lines (instead of adding to an existing line) at each major turn and giving them a unique colour.

The next stage was to export those drawn lines to SVGs (or PDFs) so that I could export them to Inkscape and then a plotter. Fortunately Processing already has functions for exporting to SVGs. Unfortunately for me if I were to implement this as is suggested in the help file it would export both the drawn line and the background video as a still frame. I produced a very hacky workaround (with help from Ben Neal) which “works” but produces a few unwanted artefacts.

Before I go on I should probably explain what a plotter is as the unwanted artefacts relate to it. For this I will copy from the Wikipedia article on plotters:

The plotter is a computer printer for printing vector graphics. Plotters draw pictures on paper using a pen. In the past, plotters were used in applications such as computer-aided design, as they were able to produce line drawings much faster and of a higher quality than contemporary conventional printers, and small desktop plotters were often used for business graphics.

At home I have a Silhouette Cameo 2 vinyl cutter. When using this great Inkscape plugin I can bypass Silhouette’s proprietary software and send artwork directly to the cutter from Inkscape. Thanks to a pen holder adaptor I can replace the vinyl cutting blades with a pen and turn the vinyl cutter into a plotter 🙂

Back to the Processing sketch. The hacky code that I made produced the desired lines but also it had lots of additional single-node paths/dots at the start of each line.

Removing these wouldn’t be very easy. Using Edit > Select Same > Fill and Stroke or Fill Color or any of the other options wouldn’t work as it would also end up selecting the lines. I then had the bright idea to select objects based on their size. All of the dots had a dimension of 4.057×4.000px, so in theory there would be an option like Edit > Select Same > Size. However, this is not so.

After a discussion on the Inkscape forum I opened a feature request on the Inkscape bug tracker to select objects of similar size. One thing I added to this was the idea of a threshold. Using this you could select objects that were within n% of the size of the selected object. If you’ve ever used GIMP you would have seen a similar function in its fuzzy selection tool This could definitely be useful if you trace bitmaps and it produces a lot of speckles. I also added a mockup to show how it could be applied to other options in the Edit > Select Same menu options.

Anyway, at the moment this exists as a feature request. I think Inkscape is concentrating on delivering version 1.0 of the software so I don’t expect to see this implemented any time soon. As with anything in the land of open source, if you’ve got the skills to do this please contribute!

In the end I used fablabnbg’s Inkscape extension to chain all (or most) of the paths into one big path. This made selecting the dots easier as I could just hide the big path(s) once they were chained together.

After that it was a simple case of sending it to the plotter!

OSP Print Party

For OSP’s Print Party on October 18th I made a bunch of new software and modified some old software that did sonification of text, bitmap, and vector images. I saw it as a way to differently engage with the usually static images featured throughout the festival. Here’s some of the visual output from a Processing sketch that, when combined with Pure Data, would redraw an SVG and convert it to sound:





And here’s an example of a fish being sonfied. Expect lots of bleepy noises:

If you’re interested in using the software the repository is located here and this particular code resides in the listetoSVG folder. The Processing sketch for that piece is a modification of this sketch by emainorbit. I may revisit and develop this software but for now there will be no detailed writeup of how to use it.

As an experiment it was really interesting to “bring to life” a static programme. There is a danger that the performances – whcih I’m sure OSP will write about at some point – deviated too much from the idea of a print party, but in isolation I felt they worked really well!

The making of Comic Sans Must Die

Comics Sans Must Die ended some time during the week of GLI.TC/H 2112. Although it only lasted just over a month long, the creation of Comic Sans Must Die actually started in July 2010 when I stumbled across the Geomerative library for Processing as a way to manipulate SVG files. After a bit of fiddling with one of the example files I was able to take (almost) any SVG file and gradually reduce it over time.


This “destruction” is exactly what happens when you press Ctrl + L or Path > Simplify in Inkscape. It reduces the amount of nodes in the paths to simplify their construction, resulting, at times, in a very polygonal shape.

Processing Sketches

In the two years that followed I experimented with ways to export the on-screen destruction of the files to an animation (either gif or video file). I came across the gifAnimation library, which did exactly that. Soon after I was able to able to combine the two libraries to produce an animation of a SVG file being gradually destroyed. With the help of Richard Clifford this script was modified to also work on a folder full of SVGs. You can download both sketches from my Open Processing portfolio or below:


Sketch for multiple files. Click to download


Sketch for single file. Click to download

At the moment these sketches only work with Processing 1.5. They’ve been tested against gifAnimation from January 2008 and Geomerative rev 34 and were originally developed on Ubuntu 12.04. They can only be used on the Desktop, though the challenge is there for someone to make a version for web browsers.

Working with Comic Sans

With the Processing scripts in place I needed a way to destroy each individual glyph of Comic Sans. For this I turned to FontForge. Using the following command (on Linux) I was able to output each glyph to an SVG file:

fontforge -lang=ff -c 'Open($1); SelectWorthOutputting(); foreach Export("svg"); endloop;' Comic_Sans_MS.ttf

Of course, you can replace Comic_Sans_MS.ttf with any font file on your computer. Quite handy!

I then came across another another problem. The Processing scripts work by reducing the number of nodes until there are almost none. If there are very few to begin with then the process will be over very quickly and you’ll have a very short animation! Inkscape has the capability to add nodes, but so far this can only be done using the GUI. Luckily Inkscape Verbs came to the rescue. Using the script below I was able to mimic a user manually selecting the shape and adding more nodes:

for file in *.svg
do inkscape -f $file --select=path6 --verb ToolNode --verb EditSelectAll --verb org.ekips.filter.addnodes.noprefs --verb FileSave --verb FileClose

Save that to a file and run it inside a folder full of SVGs.

Node numbers

Before: 47 nodes. After: 1317 nodes.

For some reason all of the paths in the file were called path6. You may want to change that for your own SVG files. This script, and Verbs in general, have the drawback of always launching a GUI. The developers are aware of this and hopefully this will change in the future.

Destroy your own…

These sketches and scripts can be run on more than just font files. Any SVG that Geomerative can handle (not .ai files) can be used, even logos and jpg/gif photos converted to SVG.

Ubuntu Lego Facebook

Random date generator

Planning any sort of meeting? Don’t leave it to common sense to decide on the most appropriate time, use this random date generator instead!

Click to download

Click to download

Originally built for a.a.s, you can download a copy for yourself. Once loaded press Enter to stop on a date. The date is generated in the format dd/MM/yy/hh/mm/ss. You’ll need Processing and the Commodore 64 font (convert it using Processing), though you can use any font if you want.


I need to get more done on my vjing work. So far I’ve done very little of it, and even less djing. I’ve been messing around with Pure Data, Xaos and Processing in an attempt to get some live processed images, and I’m now taking a peek at Ben Neal‘s Phlumx software, but what I wonder is if I need to go look at more professional software…

Here’s a sample of what I’ve done. It was for a project at university to create a video about ‘Speed’ (created in Adobe Premier).