For the second and subsequent variations I used only seven instances of the chorus line as a source. For this variation I then wrote a script on each of the seven videos that created 90 segments of varying lengths (up to 0.999 seconds) from random positions in the video. I then finally composed them into one video.
With a shorter source input, this variation is more rhythmic than the first. There are more instances of the audio resembling a stuttering CD, though still lots of instances where it jumps around erratically.
This script requires libav to run and has been tested on Ubuntu 13.04.
#!/bin/bash #Usage: ./ /path/to/file.avi #e.g. ./ video.avi filenumber=$(printf "%05d") while [ $filenumber -le 90 ] do #calculate the length of the video length=`expr $(avprobe -loglevel error -show_streams $1 | grep duration | cut -f 2 -d = | head -1 | cut -d "." -f 1) \* 100` #start position startPos=$(echo "scale=2;$(shuf -i 1-$length -n 1) / 100" | bc | sed -e s/^/0/) #define random duration (up to 0.999 seconds) duration=$(echo "0.$RANDOM") #get path of file path=$( readlink -f "$( dirname "$1" )" ) #get filename minus extension file=$(basename "$1") filename="${file%.*}" #cut the video avconv -i $1 -ss $startPos -t $duration -qscale 0 -ab 384k -y "$path"/"$filename"_"$filenumber"_cut.avi filenumber=`expr $filenumber + 1` filenumber=$(printf "%05d" $filenumber) done