On Friday 29th March 18:30 – 22:00 I’ll be showing two new videos at Copy / Paste at V&A.

Human culture is built on a history of replication. We copy to learn, to assimilate, to preserve and to magnify. How is this behaviour being transformed by advances in technology and what is the value of the authentic or the original today? This Friday Late, watch dance pieces to examine how human error impacts repetition and examine the role of copying in preserving cultural heritage. From architecture to online identities, explore duplication in the digital age.
I’ll be showing two videos titled Visually Similar:
Visually Similar is a video work that examines how images and videos posted online can be used to preserve history, but can also be remixed to create new narratives. In sharing our work online we make a permanent record of a point in time, which can then be used out of context.
I’ll be there IRL too if y’all have questions. Check out the rest of the awesome programme too!