GLI.TC/H 2011


GLI.TC/H was a simple idea that was hatched upon the notion of folks gathering together and engaging/chatting/debating the issues/theories/concerns of failure, systems, art, && glitches.

We were able to realize this gathering last year in Chicago. GLI.TC/H 2010 brought people together for five days of glitchy art, hacking/coding workshops, discussions, screenings, lectures, and realtime audio/video performances. All events were free & open to the public and ended up exposing an extremely diverse, amazingly deep, somewhat quirky community.

The community is growing and this year we are hoping (and planning) to do it again! From the beginning, we consciously adopted a free & open ethic for GLI.TC/H. We believe that exorbitant entrance fees and exclusive passes create obstacles between “actor” and “audience.”

It takes considerable resources and energy execute an exciting event like GLI.TC/H. Folks have donated We’re reaching out to you (and your networks) in an effort to help amplify these efforts and make GLI.TC/H 20111 a reality.
Some generous artists have donated exciting incentives to this Kickstarter campaign. Please check them out; of course, the biggest incentive of this campaign is actually making GLI.TC/H 20111 happen.

GLI.TC/H is spreading from the web to Chicago: US; to Amsterdam: NL; and Birmingham: UK; GLI.TC/H will launch in Chicago on NOV: 4TH, 5TH, & 6TH. Amsterdam will commence on NOV: 11 -> 12. Birmingham: UK; will follow on NOV: 19.

GLI.TC/H is both a physical and virtual event with always-on online games, galleries, easter-eggs, downloadable artware, scavenger hunts, APIs, and loads of other experimental components. These activities will continue through-out and beyond the physical events.

We hope that branching and forking the gathering/festival/conference will mesh && mosh conversation(s) with local happenings, multiple perspectives, and allow for more individuals to participate.

This year, we are opening frameworks and structures to involve the community at core levels including curation and organization. For example, Kim Asendorf ( & is curating an online component and Antonio Roberts (AKA hellocatfood) initiated and is leading the Birminham: UK; component. Many more artists and curators are investing their talents.
We can’t do this alone. Let’s make this gathering happen together!

Executing GLI.TC/H takes considerable resources. Your donation will be use for the acquisition, construction, and transportation of materials and artwork for the exhibitions. It will allow us to support the local independent venues that we have partnered with. It will help supply materials for workshops and provide resources for the printing and pressing of festival data for dissemination at and before the events.

Please help by donating and spreading the word by liking/sharing/linking/tweeting/posting EVERYWHERE!

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