From 31st October – 3rd November I was in Arles, France to take part in #3. Like last year, the line up was a great mixture of instrumental and electronic musicians, installations and awesome art. I had the pleasure of meeting notendo again – the previous time being GLI.TC/H 2010 – making new friends and meeting lots of old ones, and working with many inspiring people. It was also a great chance to see how all of us have changed/developed our skills over the last year.
Upon my arrival I went striaght to work and started preparing visuals for Dame Blanche and Sugarcraft, and also working with Axel Debeul (w00t) on an audiovisual performance.
The festival was very heavily documented by the organisers, so videos and photos will appear from them in the coming weeks. In the meantime below are some of my photos and lots of gifs are on Tumblr.