DNMw3rkstati0n:: D1RTY N3W M3DI∆ thread at GLI.TC/H – Saturday 8th December

I’ll be taking part in the DNMw3rkstati0n:: as part of GLI.TC/H on Saturday 8th December from 10-12pm at High Concept Labs

Dirty New Media

GET: dowwwn && durty IRL && online wit teh DNMw3rkstati0n:: crewww @ GLI.TC/H 2112 in Chicago! The DNMw3rkstati0n:: is an open safe space/place/work{station|shop} set aside @ GLI.TC/H for enagaging eXXXperimentz in the arts of D1RTY N3W M3DI∆!

NEXT: BYOC (Bring Your Own Computers) TO: HIGH CONCEPT LABS (1401 W. Wabansia Chicago IL, 60642) && receive tutorials on D1RTY N3W M3DI∆ aestheticonceptechniques such as:

!!! Eric Fleischauer eXXXplains HOW TO: MAKE ANIMATED GIFs in the D1RTY N3W M3DI∆ (lyfe_)STYLES !!!
!!! Rick Silva + co-collaborators / co-conspirators eXXXplore EXPERIMENTAL 3D wit UNITY !!!
!!! Antonio Roberts (AKA hellocatfood) eXXXposes PURELY DIRTY SIDE OF PURE DATA !!!

THEN: wwwerkz created in / on / @ the DNMw3rkstati0n:: will be collected && displayed in via our tumblr: http://dirtynewmedia.tumblr.com + in our ☆ DNMw3rkstati0n OPENING + THREAD OUTPUT @ TRITRIANGLE (1550 N Milwaukee Ave Fl 3 Chicago, IL 60622) ON: ☽ SAT DEC 8 – 10 PM!

The ☆ DNMw3rkstati0n OPENING + THREAD OUTPUT @ TRITRIANGLE will also feature:
★ Arcangel Constantini’s Bondage/Bending/ project + jonCates’ DVD-RɔH!\/3, a bitcrushed archive of mini moments of D1RTY N3W M3DI∆ over the last 1337 years!

I’ll be doing a showing y’all how to use Pure Data for pure glitchyness and randomness. It’ll be happening alongside a workshop from stAllio.

Full Schedule can be found on the GLI.TC/H website or Dirty New Media Toolkit blog/FB.

AlphabeNt at GLI.TC/H – Friday 7th December

On Friday 7th December between 9-10pm at High Concept Labs I’ll be at GLI.TC/H in Chicago to give a short lecture on my explorations with glitch and language:


Antonio Roberts’ journey into glitches and their relationship to language started with the Dataface font-hacking project in 2010, the result of which is downloadable as a font from the Open Font Library. Using Daniel Purvis and Drew Taylor’s project AlphabeNt project as a launching point, Antonio Roberts will be discussing the relationship between computer language and human language, and how this relationship can be strengthened through mutation and curation, instead of deletion.

I’ll (hopefully) be joined by Daniel Purvis and/or Drew Taylor from Australia (!!!), where we’ll be talking briefly about the soon to be released book, AlphabeNt, which I wrote the foreword for.

See y’all there!

▌▀▐▐GLI.TC/H 2112!?▐▐▀▌▌▐▀▀▄▄▀DIT.a▀▀▀Do▄it2gatherAGAI▀NN▀▀▀

GLI.TC/H is back for 2112 in Chicago and needs your halp! Spendy spendy spendy!

I’m not personally involved in the organisation of the festival this year, but I’ll be physically present in Chicago for the duration of the festival! More on that later

▀─█┐GLI.TC/H 2112; a new kind of monster

Education has always played a role in GLI.TC/H: from organized workshops, to performers informally sharing their hacked and homebrewed gear with attendees, to theory sessions over pizza.

As learning, sharing and growing have become central thematic nodes, the GLI.TC/H events are organized into “threads.” So, this year, we’re launching a new model. It’s framework is built upon participatory ‘threads’ (or classes) with different focuses, complimented by panels/presentations throughout the day and installations and performative share fests in the evenings.

GLI.TC/H 20111. Photo by Rosa Menkman

Threads were chosen through an open call for ideas earlier this year and are provide pathways for folks to dig deeper into the many realms of glitches. You can hop over to the working groups to join in on the conversations and help shape GLI.TC/H 2112.

Let’s make this gathering happen together again!

Executing GLI.TC/H takes considerable resources. [The GLI.TC/H bots are] reaching out to you (and your networks) in an effort to help amplify these efforts and make GLI.TC/H 2112 a reality.

GLI.TC/H 20111. Photo by Pete Ashton

Your donation will be use for the decimation of festival data, workshop materials, and resources for this year’s threads. Of course, the biggest incentive we can offer is you supporting GLI.TC/H 2112 in growing and developing the glitch art community.


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Pledge your support!